Adjunct Faculty, Franklin College, Franklin, IN, 2020-2023

  • Taught courses including Social Media Strategy and Tactics, Public Relations Writing, Learn Engagement with Public Relations Professionals, and Public Relations Practice Areas for the Pulliam School of Journalism.


Adjunct Faculty, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2001-2011

  • Taught in several colleges including the School of Public Health, Continuing Adult Education and School of Journalism. Course topics included public relations, crisis communications and public relations campaigns.


Indiana University Special Projects Officer for the City of Indianapolis, Bloomington, IN, 1999-2000

  • Served as director of the nation’s 14th-largest city parks department under a special arrangement between Indiana University and the city of Indianapolis.  
  • Managed a budget of $24 million and a staff of more than 500 full-time and hourly employees.
  • Served as the director as a contract employee from Indiana University and reported directly to the mayor of Indianapolis.


Special Projects Coordinator, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, Jan.-Aug. 1994

  • Served as lecturer and special projects coordinator for the Department of Recreation and Park Administration, teaching classes in media relations, customer service and public policy.
  • Coordinated numerous grant and research projects for the Eppley Institute, a national conservation and public policy center.